Crier – June 2016
Crier - June 2016 The Lound Crier was first published in the early 70’s and is a monthly journal to keep villagers informed of news and activities in and around Lound. You will find all issues from January 2015 here.
Crier - June 2016 The Lound Crier was first published in the early 70’s and is a monthly journal to keep villagers informed of news and activities in and around Lound. You will find all issues from January 2015 here.
Annual Parish Meeting Minutes May 2016 AGM Minutes May 2016 LPCMinutes-May2016 This meeting enveloped the Annual Parish Meeting and Annual General Meeting as well as the ordinary Parish Council meeting.
NP Minutes 18 May There will be a meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan group on Wednesday 1 June at 7.30pm in the Village Hall . The Agenda on Wednesday will be "distribution of 2nd village questionnaire"
The minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group meeting held on Wednesday 18th May 2016 can be found below: Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group - Minutes 18th May 2016
Lound Parish Council Annual Parish Meeting Agenda for May 2016 Lound Parish Council AGM Agenda 2016 Lound Parish Council Ordinary Meeting 24 May 2016 The Parish Council normally meets monthly at 7:30pm in the Village Hall. This month, three meetings…
The Parish Council are keeping a watching brief on the progress of the plannd exploratory borehole near Barnby Moor. Attached are the notes of the meeting of the Tinker Lane Community Liaison Group held on Thursday 28 April 2016 in Lound Village…
LPCMinutes-April 2016 Lound Parish Council Minutes for April 2016