Crier – October 2017
Crier - October 2017 The Lound Crier was first published in the early 70’s and is a monthly journal to keep villagers informed of news and activities in and around Lound. You will find all issues from January 2015 here.
Crier - October 2017 The Lound Crier was first published in the early 70’s and is a monthly journal to keep villagers informed of news and activities in and around Lound. You will find all issues from January 2015 here.
The minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group - September 2017 can be found below: Neighbourhood Plan Minutes - 21st September 2017
Do you need help with transport to start work or learning? 'Wheels for Work' is a transport solution scheme aimed at helping you get over the initial problem getting to work, training or education. Funding is available until the end of…
Maize Harvest Starts Today It's that time of the year again, when F W Walter farm will be carting Maize and Beet across the cross roads in Lound. Fred has told the drivers to slow down and stop at the…
Agenda Sept 17 Revised agenda sept 17
agendaseptAgenda Sept 17
The minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group - September 2017 can be found below: Neighbourhood Plan Minutes - 7 September 2017