Crier – January 2022
The Lound Crier for January 2022 - PDF The Lound Crier is a monthly journal set up in the early 1970's to keep villagers informed of news and activities in and around Lound. >You will find all issues from January…
The Lound Crier for January 2022 - PDF The Lound Crier is a monthly journal set up in the early 1970's to keep villagers informed of news and activities in and around Lound. >You will find all issues from January…
Edgar Tomlin
The Lound Crier for December 2021 - PDF The Lound Crier is a monthly journal to keep villagers informed of news and activities in and around Lound. >You will find all issues from January 2015 here.
In preparation to mark the Queen’s 70th year on the throne in June 2022, Lound Parish Council has purchased 6 large native trees, three beech and three hornbeam. These have been planted on the village playing field adjacent to the…
The next Parish Council meeting will be 23rd November 2021 at 7.30pm in the village hall. There is currently a vacancy on the Parish Council - if you're interested in the voluntary role please feel free to attend the meeting…
The minutes from the last Parish Council meeting held 26th October 2021 Draft Minutes - October 2021 Lound Parish Council
The Lound Crier for November 2021 - PDF The Lound Crier is a monthly journal to keep villagers informed of news and activities in and around Lound. >You will find all issues from January 2015 here.
Keep your dogs under control! You can get an unlimited fine or be sent to prison for up to 6 months (or both) if your dog is dangerously out of control. You may not be allowed to own a dog…
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday the 26th October at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Lound Parish Council Ordinary Meeting Agenda - October 2021
Draft Minutes - September 2021 Lound Parish Council
Following the October Crier article, the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group’s response is attached in 'Word' format. Participate easily by taking our response, customising and replacing it with your own details and changes, if any, and emailing it to Please…
The Lound Crier for October 2021 - PDF The Lound Crier is a monthly journal to keep villagers informed of news and activities in and around Lound. >You will find all issues from January 2015 here.
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 28th September in the village hall at 7.30pm. Lound Parish Council Ordinary Meeting Agenda - September 2021
Draft Minutes - August 2021 Lound Parish Council
DEADLINE EXTENSION 23RD SEPTEMBER - PLEASE HAVE YOUR SAY! FCC who operate Daneshill Landfill site having had their planning application put into abeyance after the secretary of state overruled it have now applied to the EA for a permit to…
The Lound Crier for September 2021 - PDF The Lound Crier is a monthly journal to keep villagers informed of news and activities in and around Lound. >You will find all issues from January 2015 here.
The Environment Agency (EA) are now out to consultation on FCC’s application for an Environmental Permit connected to their proposed Soil Treatment Facility at Danes Hill Landfill Site. All the information is online at: NOTE:- The closing date for…
The Lound Crier for August 2021 - PDF The Lound Crier is a monthly journal to keep villagers informed of news and activities in and around Lound. >You will find all issues from January 2015 here.
**CANCELLED** The next Parish Council meeting will be held in the village hall at 7.30pm on the 27th July. **CANCELLED** Whilst the public have a right to attend the meeting, given the rise in Covid cases in the area we…
Draft Minutes - June 2021 Lound Parish Council