Neighbourhood Plan Meeting 30 March 2017 – 7.30pm
Agenda 30 March Neighbourhood Plan Minutes 2 March 2017 (3) There will be a Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group meeting in the village hall on Thursday 30 March 7.30pm.
Agenda 30 March Neighbourhood Plan Minutes 2 March 2017 (3) There will be a Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group meeting in the village hall on Thursday 30 March 7.30pm.
Neighbourhood Plan Agenda 2 March 17 There will be a Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group meeting in the village hall on Thursday 2 March 7.30pm.
Further to the open evening for the village on Thursday 16th please find attached report of the meeting. Open Evening Report 16 February 2017
There will be a meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan steering group in the Village Hall on Thursday 24th at 7.30pm. The analysis of the residents survey is well underway, with approximately 75% of responses now collated. A survey of businesses in…
NP Minutes 28 September 2016 There will be a meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan steering group in the Village Hall on Thursday 27th at 7.30pm. James Green from BDC will be at the meeting to discuss the implications of their new Local…
Neighbourhood Plan Minutes June Neighbourhood Plan - Survey Progress Report. The NP Steering Group would like to say a big thank you to all residents who kindly completed their Surveys for collection and they are pleased to report that to…
Minutes May 2016 (2) There will be a meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan group on Wednesday 29 June at 7.30pm in the Village Hall . This month the meeting will discuss the designation of the Neighbourhood Plan submitted by the steering group which…
NP Minutes 18 May There will be a meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan group on Wednesday 1 June at 7.30pm in the Village Hall . The Agenda on Wednesday will be "distribution of 2nd village questionnaire"
N P Steering Group Notes March 2016 There will be a meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan group on Wednesday 27 April at 7.30pm in the Village Hall . The Agenda on Wednesday will be "discussion of content and format of 2nd village questionnaire"…
There will be a meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan group on Wednesday 30 March at 7.30pm in the Village Hall . The agenda will include a draft list of topics for the forthcoming questionnaire."
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group met on Thursday 3 March. The next meeting will be Wednesday 30 March in the Village Hall at 7.30pm
There will be a meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan group on Thursday 3 March at 7.30pm in the Village Hall to discuss scope and format of public consultation. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Just a reminder that the first meeting of the Steering Group is taking place this Wednesday, the 20th January, in the Village Hall at 19.30.