Lound Parish Council Agenda – October
The next Parish Council meeting will take place in the Village Hall at 7.30pm on October 22nd. Public welcome. Agenda for the Lound Parish Council meeting on 22nd October 2019 (PDF)
Parish Council Agendas
The next Parish Council meeting will take place in the Village Hall at 7.30pm on October 22nd. Public welcome. Agenda for the Lound Parish Council meeting on 22nd October 2019 (PDF)
The next Parish Council meeting will take place on 23rd July 2019 at 7.30pm in Lound Village Hall. All members of the public welcome. Agenda for the Lound Parish Council meeting on 23rd July 2019 (PDF)
The next Parish Council meeting will take place on June 25th in the Village Hall from 7.30pm. All are welcome to attend. Agenda for the Lound Parish Council meeting on 25th June 2019 (PDF)
The next Parish Council meeting will be on May 28th 2019 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Agenda for the Lound Parish Council meeting on 28th May 2019 (PDF)
The Lound Annual Parish Meeting & Annual Parish Council Meeting (AGM) will take place at the Village hall on Saturday 18th May. The Annual Parish meeting will take place from 3pm with refreshments being served. All are welcome. Agenda for…
The next Parish Council meeting will be on the 23rd April in Lound Village hall at 7.30pm. Agenda for the Lound Parish Council meeting on 23rd April 2019 (PDF)
The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on the 26th March at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Agenda for the Lound Parish Council meeting on 26th March 2019 (PDF)
The next Parish Council meeting will take place in the village hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 26th February 2019. Agenda for the Lound Parish Council meeting on the 26th February 2019 (PDF)
The next Parish Council meeting will be on the 22nd January at the Village Hall from 7.30pm. Agenda for the Lound Parish Council meeting on 22nd January 2019 (PDF)
The next Parish Council meeting will be on the 27th November at 7.30pm in the Village hall. Agenda for the Lound Parish Council meeting on the 27th November 2018 (PDF)
The next Parish Council meeting will be on the 23rd October at the village hall at 7.30pm prompt. Agenda for the Lound Parish Council meeting on the 23rd October 2018 (PDF)
The Agenda for the next Parish Council meeting to be held on the 25th September 2018 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. The Public welcome. Agenda for the Lound Parish Council meeting on the 25th September 2018 (PDF)
The Parish Council Agenda for July 24th. The Meeting is to take place in the Village Hall at 7.30pm - all members of the public are welcome. Agenda - July 2018
Please see the attached agenda for the Lound Annual Parish Council Meeting to be held on the 22nd May at 7pm in the Town Hall. Â All members of the public are welcome. Annual Parish Council Meeting Agenda - May 2018
Please see the attached agenda for the next Parish Council meeting at the Town Hall. This is an open forum, and everyone is welcome. Agenda - April 2018
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agenda oct