- 2015-10: A questionnaire was sent with The Crier to all Lound residents by the Parish Council.Parishioners were asked their opinions on various aspects of our village, their likes and dislikes, and what factors had a positive or negative impact upon their lives.
- 2015-12: Lound Parish Council arranged an Open Meeting on 22nd. December to consider the replies to the Questionnaires.The attendees decided that creation of a Neighbourhood Plan was desirable and a Steering Group was formed from volunteers including two Parish Councillors.
- 2016-1: The first meeting of the Steering Group and other parishioners was held on Wednesday 20th. January in the Village Hall. The role of the Steering Group and mandate from the Parish Council were established. A strategy was outlined to achieve the creation and adoption of a Neighbourhood Plan for Lound.
- 2016-5: A second and more detailed survey was compiled by the Steering Group and copies distributed by hand to all residents. Individual members of each household, including young people below voting age, were encouraged to complete their own copy of the survey. Completed forms were collected, wherever possible, in person by the distributors during June and early July. There were responses from 166 households; 82% of those occupied.
- 2016-11: A survey of local businesses, clubs and associations was undertaken during November and December by personal interview, wherever possible, with decision-makers or spokespersons. 21 completed surveys were received from 22 organizations identified as having operations within the Parish.
- 2017-1: Residents’ Survey Analysis and Report was published – Please see dedicated section.
- 2017-1: Survey of Businesses, Clubs and Associations Analysis and Report was published – Please see dedicated section.
- 2017-1: The Neighbourhood Steering Group invite Lound Villagers to an Open Evening in the Village Hall on Thursday 16th February starting at 7.30pm. The purpose of the meeting is to view the progress of Your Plan together with the Village Survey results. Light refreshments will be provided.
- 2017-2: Open Evening Report 16 February 2017 (PDF)
- 2017-2: Presentation and Survey Results – Neighbourhood Plan Survey Results (PDF)
- 2017-2: Neighbourhood Plan – Next Steps (PDF)
- 2017-8: Update July 2017, circulated to residents with the Crier, which set out the proposed VISION and OBJECTIVES of the Neighbourhood Plan – Circular about Vision Objectives (PDF)
- 2018-6: Article in the Crier announcing the distribution of Information Sheets and arrangements for two “drop-in” consultation events to be held in the Village Hall on Saturday 16th June from 11am. until 2pm. and Thursday 5th July from 5pm. until 8pm. Residents are invited to express their views on and preferences for/against the nine possible development sites.
- 2018-6: Information Sheet – PUBLIC CONSULTATION 2018 (PDF)
- 2018-6: Publication of Statutory Reports
2018-6: First of the Public Consultation Event held in the Village Hall to describe the process of site selection, present details of each site under consideration and issue Preference Forms on which residents may state their views.
June/July 2018: Public Consultation on Site Selection. The results of the public consultation and residents’ comments on the 5 most preferred sites for residential development were analysed. These 5 sites were taken forward into the next stages of the Neighbourhood Plan. – Analysis of Public Consultation on Sites – June July 2018 (PDF)
- Site ProFormas (for Consultation Event) final (PDF)
- 2018-7: Follow-up article in the Crier with a brief report of the first consultation event and a reminder for the second event – Thursday 5th July from 5pm. to 8pm. Last day for lodgement of preference forms is 12th July 2018. The importance of having a Neighbourhood Plan (and therefore controlled development of land) was emphasised once again.
- 2018-7: The Second Public Consultation Event held in the Village Hall to describe the process of site selection, present details of each site under consideration and issue Preference Forms on which residents may state their views. Please see above entry 2018-6 for links to the display material.
- 2018-7: Results of the Public Consultation on Site Selection. These have been compiled from the 163 completed Preference Forms issued to residents.
- 2018-8: Article in the Crier which included the numeric results of residents’ preferences in the site selection process.
- 2018-10: Report compiled by BDC – Site Assessments – responses from Statutory Consultees – 2nd Round.
- 2018-10: Analysis of Public Consultation on Sites June/July 2018. These were the 5 most preferred sites taken forward into the next stages of the Neighbourhood Plan.
- 2018-10: Public Notice distributed with November issue of the Crier announcing publication on the website of the Analysis of Public Consultation on Sites June/July 2018 and containing extracts from it.
- 2019-1: Article in the Crier to advise parishioners of a Presentation of Bassetlaw District Council’s draft Local Development Plan 2020-2035, co-hosted by BDC Planning Officers and Lound NP Steering Group on Tuesday 12th February 2019 4-8pm in Lound Village Hall.
- 2019-1: Publication of the Lound Neighbourhood Plan Design Code, 2018. Report by AECOM on behalf of Lound NPSG.
- 2019-12: December 2019 Article in the Crier providing parishioners with:
a) a progress report on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan
b) requirements of the emerging Bassetlaw District Plan, Part 1, for Lound to provide 21 additional homes over the next 15 years, and
c) proposed changes to how one of the preferred sites might be developed.
Lound NP UP-DATE Dec 2019 (PDF)
- 2020 – 2: February 2020 Public Notice from Lound Parish Council, including an Article in the February 2020 Crier, describing the changes contained in the 2020 Draft Bassetlaw District Council Local Plan and encouraging Residents to participate in the public consultation on this.
PC Public Notice with Crier Article Feb20 (PDF)
- 2020 – 8: Regulation 14 Consultation:
a) Lound Neighbourhood Plan Pre-Submission Draft Version 8b dated 14 July 2020
Lound Neighbourhood Plan Pre-Submission Draft V8b 14Jul20 (PDF)
b) Regulation 14 Notice (August 2020 Crier Article)
Regulation 14 Notice (Crier Article) 01Aug20 (PDF)
c) Report on the Regulation 14 Consultation
Report on Regulation 14 Consultation (PDF)
- 2020 – 12: Consultation on Housing Development following the publication of the November 2020 Draft Bassetlaw Plan
a) Village Flyer for Consultation on Housing Development
Lound NP Information Sheet – December 2020 (PDF)
b) Report on the Consultation on the level of Housing Development
Report on Consultation on Level of Housing Development (PDF)
- 2021 – 3: Regulation 15 Submission and Regulation 16 Consultation
a) Submission Version of the Lound Neighbourhood Plan
Lound Neighbourhood Plan Submission (PDF)
b) Basic Conditions Statement
Lound Basic Conditions Statement (PDF)
c) Consultation Statement
Lound Consultation Statement (PDF)
- 2021 – 6: Article in the June 2021 Crier regarding the Regulation 16 Consultation
A Letter from Bassetlaw District Council about the Lound Neighbourhood Plan (PDF)