In May/June 2016, the Steering Group compiled a more detailed survey to obtain the views of Lound residents. They drew on the experiences of neighbouring parishes but more particularly the responses to the earlier Questionnaire. During June 2016 there were 209 dwellings shown on the Electoral Roll in Lound Parish of which 7 were unoccupied. Members of the Steering Group visited all the dwellings to hand deliver copies of the Survey, explain its purpose and encourage completion of as many forms as practicable and seek the views of young people. 277 forms were handed out. The distributors collected the completed Surveys in person unless alternative arrangements were made. A persistent approach to collection resulted in 219 forms being returned. There were responses from 166 households: 82% of those occupied. Residents of Lound Nursing Home were not included in this Survey as, having left the housing market, their inclusion in statistics and responses might have adversely skewed the results. The size of response and the very detailed answers to “open” questions made meaningful analysis a sizeable task. The Lound Neighbourhood Plan Residents’ Survey Analysis and Report was published in January 2017.