Anglian Water on Town St 21-25th July
June minutes 2017
Crier - July 2017 The Lound Crier was first published in the early 70’s and is a monthly journal to keep villagers informed of news and activities in and around Lound. You will find all issues from January 2015 here.
Statutory Documents for un-audited 2016/17 Lound Parish Council Accounts PC Accounts 2016-17 PC Accounts Statement 2016-17
Sparks will fly when retired firefighters take to the streets to raise money for two worthy causes. Pensioners Kenny Ashton and Stuart Bussingham have decided to walk for up to 40 minutes or one mile. But this will be a…
Agenda June 2017 The Parish Council Meeting will be held at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 25th June in the Village hall >Everyone is welcome to attend.
The minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group - June 2017 can be found below: Neighbourhood Plan Minutes - 15th June 2017
Warning Over the last few days an off road motorbike has been speeding around Linghurst Lakes and the surrounding area of Idle Valley Reserve. If you see this offender can you please report it immediately to the Police by ringing 101…
Village Notice Following a report of a village garage break-in earlier this week please check the security of all sheds and garages. If ignored, you could be next!
An incident occurred at approximately 6pm on Monday 5th June 2107 on Chainbridge Lane. A local man was walking his dog along this road when a driver drove straight at his dog, causing the animal critical injuries. Witnesses describe a…
Lound PCMinutes-May 2017
Anglian Water will be carrying out essential work on the above dates.
The minutes of the 2017 AGM AGM minutes May 2017
Crier - June 2017 The Lound Crier was first published in the early 70’s and is a monthly journal to keep villagers informed of news and activities in and around Lound. You will find all issues from January 2015 here.
Agenda May 2017 Lound Parish Council AGM Agenda 2017 The Parish Council AGM at 7.00pm and Parish Council Meeting at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 23rd May in the Village Hall >Everyone is welcome to attend.
Further to a parishioners request the Lound Website is going to be used as a communication tool warning villagers of things to be aware of. Village Notice A woman was walking her dog along Billy Button Lane, Torworth, when a…
The minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group - May 2017 can be found below: Neighbourhood Plan Minutes - 18th May 2017
Agenda May 2017 Lound Parish Council AGM Agenda 2017 The Parish Council AGM at 7.00pm and Parish Council Meeting at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 23rd May in the Village Hall >Everyone is welcome to attend.
The minutes of the last PC meeting, April 2017 April minutes
Crier - May 2017 The Lound Crier was first published in the early 70’s and is a monthly journal to keep villagers informed of news and activities in and around Lound. You will find all issues from January 2015 here.